Find Your Style
Hi! I help people to express who they truly are through Interior Design & Fashion Style. If you want to learn more about the process and how it can benefit you, please schedule a discovery Zoom call with me. See you on the wonderful side of transformations. Thank you!
Personal Style Benefits

What's included in a Style
Let me guide you on a journey to find your style — a reflection of your personality that radiates confidence and charm.

Set your style goals
We discover more about your lifestyle, life goals

Your Style Guide
You'll get the PDF file with your personal Do's and Dont's based on your color type and body type

Your Personality
We'll discover what personality type is naturally yours and how to reveal it

Capsule warbrobe
You will get a full shopping list of items needed for you wardrobe to look gorgeous every day

Style Types
We'll create your personal unique style that will represent you and help you acheiving your life goals

You'll have your wardrobe working for you. Where every item matches the others. And your style recipies for every day
My name is Katya Prohl
I’m a designer for 22 years!
I have a Master's degree in design and a Bachelor's degree in business.
15 years ago I began my entrepreneurship.
I graduated from the New York Institute of Art and Design in 2018. Later, moved to Texas and opened up a design business in Austin with my beloved partner.
I have an eye for fashion and apply that knowledge, using Beauty types, and Archetypes to make tailored designs based on the client’s personalities.
My experience and knowledge have led me here to mentor others to create beautiful styles that transcend to the next level.